Announcing Thorium Nova - Bridge Simulation Reimagined


Space EdVentures is a third-party service operated by the creator of Thorium that allows commercial space centers to log the flights of the participants that enjoy their programs. This allows participants to create profiles; track their flights, missions, and simulators; earn ranks; and see options for the next missions they might want to do.

It also allows the space centers to better understand their customers and give them more opportunities to encourage their customers to visit again. It also allows flight directors to know what centers, missions, simulators, and stations a crew has experienced so the flight director can choose a novel and exciting experience for the crew.

Space EdVentures is limited to full-time commercial space centers. During the initial launch only space centers that have been vetted by Fyreworks will be allowed to join and use the site.

Space EdVentures support is baked directly into Thorium, which makes it easy and convenient to turn a flight into a Space EdVentures flight, tag the mission the crew completed, assign badges to the crew, let the crew log in using their Space EdVentures profile, transmit the flight data to, and give the crew redeemable tokens they can use to claim their flight hours.

This documentation will walk you through the process of signing up your space center for Space EdVentures, adding the necessary data to Space EdVentures for your space center, assigning your staff, and connecting it to Thorium.