Thorium:A powerful modular software allowing cast and crew to embark on an
incredible Space Edventure that is completely customizable. You'll never have
the same experience twice!
Space Edventure: An educational adventure in a simulated spaceship
Flight Director (FD): The game master of the simulation. Flight Directors
manage the back end of the controls, using them to tell the story. They are
also in charge of the lighting, sound effects, voices, actors, and everything
else involved in running the simulation.
Crew: The people flying the space ship on the bridge. They act out their
role as a member of the crew of the spaceship. Crew members typically are
split into several different stations, or jobs. Their goal is to complete the
mission successfully.
Simulator: In the context of Thorium, the simulator is the computer
representation of the ship which is flying. Simulators consist of systems,
stations, decks, rooms, and crew.
Station: A station is a collection of screens which control the simulator.
Stations are typically organized by function; engines and thrusters belong to
the Flight Control station, weapons and shields belong to the Tactical
station, etc. Thorium groups sets of stations into station-sets, allowing you
to customize how many crew participate in your simulation.
Client: A client is a single computer running a station. To run Thorium,
you must have at least one client for every station in the simulation, but you
could have multiple clients running the same station on larger simulator sets.
Server: The main Thorium application that runs on a single computer that
all Thorium clients connect to. The clients request data from the server and
send messages to the server to update data. Clients can also subscribe to
specific information from the server. When new information is processed by the
server, it sends those updates to the subscribed clients.
Set: A set is the physical space where a simulation happens. It could be
permanent and include a bridge, desks for the computers, a sickbay and
engineering room, hallways, transporter doors, etc. Or it could be your living
room and computers for every participant. There is no set definition of what
your spaceship has to look like! Thorium allows you to map the clients in your
physical set to simulators and station-sets so you can easily start the ship
before a flight.
Mission: A mission is the set story line which will be followed during a
specific simulation. Missions follow a timeline of events, and can provide
some level of automation for the Flight Director.
Flight: A flight is a single experience that starts fresh with each crew
change. Flights typically run anywhere from 2.5-5 hours; of course, flight
times can be whatever you'd like.