Update 45 - 🎨
May 12, 2018
Version 0.2.27
I jumped the gun on this weeks big update so many of you already know the first item.
Reworked the Flight Direction user interface and user experience. The hope is that these changes will make it possible for me to do other big improvements to configuring everything the flight director needs.
Added training for Flight Directors
Added what are called 'Error boundaries' to core components. This makes it so if a core component has a major error, it won't break the whole core.
Improved how Thrusters is layed out and how the thrusters affect the sensors grid.
Added specific library cards. These cards show one major type of library entry (Legal, Damage, Security, Medical, Command), as well as all of the generic entries.
Added the "ShipModel" viewscreen. It shows a gently rotating 3D ship model and optionally can have text shown on the left side.
Added default power to systems, so flight directors can choose what power level a system starts at
Added flux buttons to the systems list, so flight directors can flux system power
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where removing panels would cause errors
- Fixed the phaser slider on the simulator config
- Actions (flash, shutdown, etc.) now happen blacked out clients
- Fixed the coloring of the glass viewscreen layout
- Fixed an issue with probe equipment
- Auto targeting now works with any contact, not just one in motion
- Tactical map objects will now not dissappear from the screen if they aren't dragged all the way off.
- Tactical map objects can now be deleted with the 'Delete' key
Issues resolved in this update: here
Don't forget, as a donor you get access to the latest builds of Thorium. Donate Today!. If you have already donated, you can access the builds on the releases page.
Also, be sure to join the Thorium community chat channel. It's the best way to get questions answered and to receive updates and information.
That's it for this week. Be sure to file any feature requests on the Github repo and see the current roadmap.