Announcing Thorium Nova - Bridge Simulation Reimagined

Update 61 - The Final Update 😱

August 30, 2018

Don't worry! Everything is fine. I've just moved the release notes to Thorium itself. This makes it easier to see what the latest updates are without having to wait until Saturday's post. Check it out by clicking on the version number on the welcome screen.

Release Notes

This post is also to announce the release of Thorium 1.0! It's been a long time coming, but the time has finally arrived. This version of Throium is considered the first stable release, ready for mass use.

What does this mean? Not much, actually. I'll still be pushing releases, taking bug reports and feature requests, and occasionally posting on this blog.

This also is an invitation to anyone interested in contributing to Thorium, either through code, documentation writing, graphic and UI design, or other talents. Anyone can contribute. Have skills to share? Know somebody that might like working on Thorium? Get in touch on the Thorium community chat channel.

That's it for this week. Be sure to file any feature requests on the Github repo and see the current roadmap.