Update 60 - ⏳
August 25, 2018
Version 0.4.7
- Added the lighting core. More details to come on this premium feature.
- Added a 'Repair' inventory metadata type. This is used exclusively with the 'Send Inventory' damage step item so you can specify which inventory can be used to repair ship systems.
- Added ambiance tracks, which are looping sound effects that constantly play in the background on the sound player station.
- Removed the 'Sciences' sound effect on station start and reset on certain stations.
- Added a simulator alert level macro.
- Added a Phoenix viewscreen layout.
- Changed the targeting icon selector to use the file picker instead of dropdowns.
- Changed the UI/UX of the probe construction screen to be smoother and support smaller screen sizes better.
- Added the ability to customize reactor efficiency levels.
- Added proper support for external power mode.
- Added a simulator and mission external library, where people can submit their own simulator configs and mission timelines for everyone to access. More details to follow.
- Bumped the version of the Thorium Client download link.
- Added the ability to change station cards during a flight.
- Added a timer viewscreen component.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with the log file format - thanks John Robe!
Fixed an issue with the signals core not showing the signals properly.
Fixed an issue where starting a flight messes up software panels.
Fixed an issue with a subscription not being unsubscribed.
Fixed stretching of the ship logo viewscreen.
Fixed an issue with short range comm macros.
Improved the line layout slightly.
Fixed the charge bars on the stealth field screen.
Targeting contacts no longer appear when the targeting system is offline.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't remove torpedos outright.
Issues resolved in this update: here
Also, be sure to join the Thorium community chat channel. It's the best way to get questions answered and to receive updates and information.
That's it for this week. Be sure to file any feature requests on the Github repo and see the current roadmap.