Announcing Thorium Nova - Bridge Simulation Reimagined

Update 41 - 🌲

April 14, 2018

Version 0.2.17

  • Throttled the thrusters messages for better performance.

  • Blocked some subscription updates to decrease the load on Core

  • Made it possible to rename software panels

  • Completed the sound engine, making it possible to play sound effects on any computer

  • Added a special "Sound" client, which acts as a simulator-wide sound player

  • Added a keyboard macro manager, which allows the flight director to perform macro actions with the press of a keyboard button. The intention for this feature is to operate like a sound keyboard, but it can also be used for effects. One example is playing a 'EMP' sound on all of the crew computers and simultaneously having their computers spark when the sound is played.

  • Added the following macros:

    • Auto-advance - advance the timeline when this macro is run (must be used with delay to be effective)
    • Video-advance - advance the timeline when a video is done playing on the viewscreen
    • Play sound
    • Cancel all sounds
    • Set a timer on core (must have sync timer active)
  • Add video previews to the mission script printing screen

  • Sort printed timeline items by delay

  • Add ship status viewscreen

  • Issues resolved in this update: here

Don't forget, as a donor you get access to the latest builds of Thorium. Donate Today!. If you have already donated, you can access the builds on the releases page.

Also, be sure to join the Thorium community chat channel. It's the best way to get questions answered and to receive updates and information.

That's it for this week. Be sure to file any feature requests on the Github repo and see the current roadmap.
