Announcing Thorium Nova - Bridge Simulation Reimagined

Update 44 - 🌮

May 05, 2018

Version 0.2.24

  • Fixed issues with damage steps

  • Fixed issues with reactor power levels not being able to be set to 0

  • Added efficiency labels next to the reactor control dropdowns

  • Add ability to destroy systems. Right click on the system to turn it black.

  • Timeline steps are now marked as 'Complete' when ran and are not executed again unless specifically requested. This does not apply to viewscreen timeline steps.

    • You can now use left and right arrow keys on the viewscreen station to change the timeline step back and forward. This is similar behavior to previous tactical stacks.
  • Issues resolved in this update: here

Don't forget, as a donor you get access to the latest builds of Thorium. Donate Today!. If you have already donated, you can access the builds on the releases page.

Also, be sure to join the Thorium community chat channel. It's the best way to get questions answered and to receive updates and information.

That's it for this week. Be sure to file any feature requests on the Github repo and see the current roadmap.
